Saturday, August 4, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Asthma ~ Health Problems, Solutions and ...

Asthma is one of the most prevalent ailments in people. Asthma is a condition where the patient has repeated attacks of wheezing, which usually clears up completely with medical treatment. asthma attacks produce a variety of disabilities from mild distress to sever incapacity. Asthma can develop at any time in life but mostly starts in childhood. An asthmatic attack is refer to asthmatic triggers. first attack is usually set off by a lung infection. subsequent attacks are brought about by similar infections as even as an ordinary cold. Drugs which a patient is allergic to may also set off an attack. Exercise, emotional trauma like anger, sorrow, over excitement etc including sudden fluctuations in weather and temperature is one of the know cause of asthmatic triggers.

Causes: Why a person suffers from asthma.

In asthmatic patients, the bronchial tube muscles which takes air to the airspace in the lungs become narrow due to contraction, and air cannot move freely in or out of the lungs. Bronchial tubes also produce more mucous than usual thereby further reducing air movement. This is where asthma develops.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Wheezing is a characteristic symptoms of asthma and cough sometimes may occur.
  • Inability to speak due to breathlessness.?
  • Typical difficulty in breathing out rather than breathing in.

Herbal Remedies for Asthma

Note that asthma home remedies should be used in only mild attacks. but however, in severe attacks, medical intervention or hospitalization may be necessary.

1. The juice of one clove of garlic (remove outer layers) should be mixed with a tea spoon of honey and taken twice a day, to dilute the contracted bronchial tubes. but patients with ulcer bleeding disorder should abstain from the above remedy.

2. Half tea spoon of hing (asafoetida) 50ml of sesame oil and a pinch of camphor are mixed and applied on the chest to relieve congestion and uneasiness.

3. 1 tea spoon full each of this combination; green ginger juice, better leaf juice, and juice of one clove of garlic should be mixed and taken 3 times daily.

4. Tulsi leave juice with honey is also beneficial. 1 tea spoon of tulsi juice and 1 tea spoon of honey should be taken 3 times a day.

5.? Gur mixed with equal quantity of mustard oil if taken for 21 days gives almost permanent relief.

6. The powder of pipal taken along with sendha namak i.e. rock salt when mixed with the juice of ginger gives result in at least one week.

Do's and Don'ts

Do use garlic all the time in your meal, hing, drink tea everyday, warm water before you bathe, always wear or protect the body with warm clothings during chilly weather.

Try to avoid cold items like ice block or ice cream, yoghurt, butter milk, cold drinks, lemon etc. Eggs, guava, cucumber, sleeping during the day are one of the allergy-triggering factors of asthmatic patients so avoid them.

Also Read:

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