Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hans Zimmer Talks Man of Steel Score

It's safe to say that posting Hans Zimmer's soundtrack for The Dark Knight?Rises on went down rather well - but that's not the only contact we've had from Christopher Nolan's favourite composer.?

Speaking to Zimmer recently, we asked about his other superhero project: Zack Snyder's Superman reboot, Man Of Steel, and excerpts from our interview with him can be found below.?

For those not in the know, Zimmer was announced as getting the gig in mid-June, though rumours about the arrangement circled the web for a good while before that - something that went on to affect how he ended up getting involved in the first place...

"When the rumours came out that I was going to do Superman, nobody had asked me!" laughed Zimmer. "The horrible thing was that I had never met Zack Snyder and, suddenly, poor Zack must have been reading that the crazy German is going to be doing my movie and I?ve never even met him! So, I had to squash those rumours.

"Plus ? and let?s be honest ? I am only human and John Williams is super-human and that Superman theme of his is beloved. It?s a pretty hard act to follow and it?s like me saying to you can you turn this interview in to a decent piece of Shakespeare. You?ll say 'Maybe not today!'"

Zimmer continued, "I phoned Zack and said I am really, really sorry about these rumours ? it?s just a misunderstanding. You?ve got your composer and I never tried to get in between relationships or anything like that. We started talking and he told me about his ideas for the character and his take was really interesting. I started getting a couple of ideas as a result. I said to him ? and Warners and Chris Nolan and everyone involved ? don?t talk to me about it until we finish The Dark Knight Rises and, within 15 minutes of finishing TDKR, we were talking."

"I don?t feel confident at all. I never feel confident. But, a little bit of fear has gone a long way to being inspiring in the past. John Williams is the master and I am not even going to try and go in that direction. I?ll try my best not to embarrass myself and my colleagues on the film. I?m going to have a go!"

"In a funny way, it?s exactly because Superman is such an opposite character to Batman that I am welcoming the opportunity to do the music. Sometimes you just have to go to edge of the abyss and look down and have it stare back at you. See if you can handle it. I?ve started it and am in the ideas phase. I am driving people crazy with my experiments and trying to write a tune."

The first footage from Man Of Steel is expected to be unveiled at Comic-Con over the next few days, and the film itself will be out on June 14 next year.


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